The Wright Brothers

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Far more than a couple of unschooled Dayton bicycle mechanics who happened to hit on success, they were men of exceptional courage and determination, and of far-ranging intellectual interests and ceaseless curiosity, much of which they attributed to their upbringing. The house they lived in had no electricity or indoor plumbing, but there were books aplenty, supplied mainly by their preacher father, and they never stopped reading.

When they worked together, no problem seemed to be insurmountable. Wilbur was unquestionably a genius. Orville had such mechanical ingenuity as few had ever seen. That they had no more than a public high school education, little money and no contacts in high places, never stopped them in their mission to take to the air. Nothing did, not even the self-evident reality that every time they took off in one of their contrivances, they risked being killed.

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Book TitleThe Wright Brothers
AuthorDavid McCullough
ISBN1476728755 (9781476728759)
Edition LanguageEnglish
Book FormatPaperback, 320 Pages
Date PublishedMay 5th 2015
PublisherSimon & Schuster
Drama Adventure Survival Biography Bestseller
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